
Monday, October 21, 2024

Golang - Create Azure User

Function to ccreate a new user account in Azure using msgraph-sdk-go:

// creates a user in Azure with a minimal number of properties set
func CreateBaseAzureUser(strDisplayName, strMailNickName, strUserPrincipleName, strPassword, strEmployeeId string)(error){
	logger.NLog.Info().Msg("CreateBaseAzureUser Started: dn: " + strDisplayName + " mnn: " + strMailNickName + " upn: " + strUserPrincipleName + " eid: " + strEmployeeId)
	//employee id check: check if there is already a current user with the same employee id 
	//get the base azure user properties by employeeId
	user, err := AzureGetBaseUsersByPropertyFilter("employeeId", strEmployeeId)
	if user != nil {
		if len(user.GetValue()) != 0 {
			logger.NLog.Error().Err(err).Msg("CreateBaseAzureUser Error: " + strEmployeeId)
			strM := "An Azure user with the employeeID " + strEmployeeId + " already exits."
			utils.PostMessageT("", "Azure Account Creation Error for Emp. ID: " + strEmployeeId, strM)
			return errors.New(strM)
	requestBody := graphmodels.NewUser()
	accountEnabled := true
	// Enable the account
	// Display Name
	// Mail Nick Name
	// User Principal Name
	// Employee ID
	// Password
	passwordProfile := graphmodels.NewPasswordProfile()
	forceChangePasswordNextSignIn := true

	if azureGgraphConnector == nil{
		err := InitializeAzureGraph()
		if err != nil{
			logger.NLog.Error().Err(err).Msg("CreateBaseAzureUser InitializeAzureGraph Error")
			utils.PostMessageT("", "CreateBaseAzureUser InitializeAzureGraph Error for Emp. ID: " + strEmployeeId, err.Error())
			return err
	users, err := azureGgraphConnector.AppClient.Users().Post(context.Background(), requestBody, nil)

	if err != nil {
        logger.NLog.Error().Err(err).Msg("CreateBaseAzureUser error: " + strEmployeeId + " " + strDisplayName)
		utils.PostMessageT("", "Azure Account Creation Error: " + strEmployeeId + " " + strDisplayName, err.Error())
        return err
    } else {
		logger.NLog.Info().Msg("CreateBaseAzureUser user created: " + *users.GetDisplayName())
	return nil

Friday, September 13, 2024

TSQL - Update Using A List of Values

I needed to update around 800 addresses from a list of addresses in a spreadsheet. I saved the spreadsheet as csv and then formated the csv fields into a list of values. Then I wrote an SQL select statement that took the list of values and made it into a subquery that I could join on the address table.

This is the finale SQL with just a subset of the values:

update aglA 
set aglA.telephone =
from address aglA 
join (select * from (values('100000','1 707 822 4226'),('100010','1 707 826 9681'),('100030','1 707 445 8248'))as x( res_id, phone))lh on lh.res_id = aglA.res_id 

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Salesforce - Export Developer Console Query Results

After the query is run, rught click on the query results and select Inspect. Look for the table tag, and then click Copy and then Copy element. Paste the copied results into Excel.