Here is a section of the original XML file:
<Content DateTime="2/28/2013 8:00:16 AM" Account="INTERNEWS\lkuncan" Content="Deleted" />
<Content DateTime="2/28/2013 8:00:16 AM" Account="INTERNEWS\cnedlin" Content="Deleted" />
<Content DateTime="2/28/2013 8:00:16 AM" Account="INTERNEWS\cdfield" Content="Deleted" />
<Content DateTime="2/28/2013 8:00:16 AM" Account="INTERNEWS\ograw" Content="Deleted" />
This is the format I needed it to be in:
This is the XQuery Expression I used to transform the XML file:
for $b in doc("Blog.xml")/BB/Content
<Account> { $b/data(@Account) } </Account>
<Content>{ $b/data(@Content) }</Content>
I used Kernow to run the expression and get my results.