<s:url var="urlFkey" namespace="%{namespace}" action="GotoAddForeignKeyRecord" escapeAmp="false" >
<s:param name="target" >disp${fieldName}</s:param>
<s:param name="fkeyName" value="fkeyName"/>
<s:param name="fkeyTableName" value="fkeyPrimaryTableName"/>
<s:param name="recordID" value="recordID"/>
<s:a id="disp%{fieldName}" href="%{urlFkey}" cssClass='nyroModal' onclick="this.href = this.href + '&' + $('#%{dispTablename}saveRecord').serialize();">
Add New <s:property value="fkeyPrimaryTableNameLabel"/>
In the JSP snippet above I am calling the jQuery serialize method in the onclick event of the anchor tag and appending the returned result to the href for the tag.